Wednesday, May 23, 2007

my american idols.

hint: there's no one from this season. talk about LACKING.

(unless we want to throw in jersey trash slut porn star haley scarnato...

she has nice legs... and likely skidmarks on her knees)

SO! these (2) are listed in chronological, and somewhat preferential, order:

1. kelly clarkson

so i, like pretty much every other chick in the world, loved kelly clarkson after "since u been gone" came out... (and i still pretend it's the cute blonde chick's house she's trashing in the video :D)

but i love that she's a real girl.. not some fucking spoiled little hollywood brat. and fuck all this bad press over her supposed "weight gain". she's the perfect girl for me, especially when she says shit like this:

"i work out when i want to work out; i don't work out when i don't want to work out... after a long day and i'm tired, yeah, a cookie helps." - EW

she's the perfect low-maintenance adorable girl next door. fuck yeah.

2. katharine mcphee
i had mcpheever. i'm not gonna lie.

..and although she's spoken for (no, not by her super-creeper 41-year-old "boyfriend", but by arlan), she's still super cute.

and she's a really good singer... kind of... have you heard the album? heh. no comment. but look at that tongue...

and those legs... uh huh.

not to mention, she has nice mc-tits. (that's right, i said it)

so... who let THIS douchebag win again???

yeah, that's about all i've got.... especially considering i don't even watch the show. but they're both hot, and i think they should come over to visit me so we can have some good times. oh good times ;)

but to leave you off with a better visual, here's a great picture of illicit lovers katharine mcphee and kellie pickler:

yeah, kellie can come too if she wants.

later all.

just so you know...

YES! i am still alive.

NO! i have no fucking free time on my hands.

YES! summer courses are raping me up the ass.

NO! i won't slack off the whole summer.

well, expect a couple posts over the next couple weeks, while i'm avoiding midterms :)