21. undergrad, overcaffeinated, underslept, and overworked.
Monday, February 26, 2007
trashy girls?? mmm.... wait.
so, angela robinson is directing a new series called "girltrash" which ourchart.com describes as:
"Set in the criminal underworld of Los Angeles with a dark but over the top Miami Vice vibe, Girltrash! follows the story of five ass-kicking girls, getting by any way they can, even if it means double crossing your best friend or former lover.
A gang war is brewing. You'll be asked to... Pick a side."
so why am i looking forward to the series so much? well, let me count the reasons...
#1. it's directed by ANGELA ROBISON, duh.i can look past the fact she's chosen some bad movies to work on... ...cuz hello D.E.B.S. and one of the greatest episodes of the l word EVER. with her at the helm, it's bound to be sexy and hilarious... and sexy. definately sexy. (i feel weird saying that with herbie right there...^^)
#2 have you SEEN the CAST?!?!? these "five ass-kicking" (six) fine ass girls? whoo, catch my breath now...
a) jordana brewster character: marianna, the kingpin drug lord bestill my heart. lucy diamond is back, and just as sexy. i fell in love with jordana when 'the faculty' came out.... and, well, clearly D.E.B.S. didn't hurt her any. and she's gonna be mrs smith in the tv version of the brangelina flick... not to mention there were rumours being tossed around about a possible tv role as lara croft???thank you sir, i'd like some more.
b) margaret cho character: ming-lao/"the widowmaker", marianna's rival let's ignore the fact she's just one of the coolest chicks ever... case in point... i expect her awesomeness to contribute greatly to the awesomeness of the show... not to mention she also adds something to the HOTness factor of the show. "your puss run on fossil fuels"
c) rose rollins character: monique, the enforcer well, courtesy of this week's l, we've seen the goods... and they're delicious. i can't wait to see her all classy gangsta in this series. angry yelling, gun waving, it's all good. i mean look at her, she looks fucking badass.
d) riki lindhome character: louanne, small time thief and big time heartbreaker riki is one of those girls you know you;ve seen somewhere, but you're not sure where... cuz they've been in everything. she was in million dollar baby, pulse, and has been on buffy, gilmore girls, and heroes. she's adorable, and not a stretch for a heartbreaker :)
e) AND f) SPASHLEY!!!!!! ...or as they're somtimes known, gabby christian and mandy musgrave.
oh, right, girltrash... heh... here are their characters in action:
how cute is it that they're spaz-squared??? swoon.
anyway, there's:
i. mandy, a.k.a. misty: juvenile delinquent and "rebel with a cause" ii. gabby, a.k.a. colby: the good girl so... they basically ARE spashley?? hmm
oh, and that pic of gabby as 'colby' made me laugh... hard... out loud. welcome to one girl for whom it is impossible to look all gangstarrrrr.
anyway, you can read more/see more previews of the series here.
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