Friday, August 10, 2007

AMBER CAN SEE THE FUTUTRE!!! ...and other BB8 revelations.

so my friends got me into the whole big brother thing a couple years ago, but i still feel a little trashy each summer when i take three nights out of my week and devote them to a bunch of douchebags locked in a cage. (i say this as if i never indulged in such classy broadcasts as temptation island (hah, remember that one?!?), the real world, the bachelor... and as if i'm not a total reality junkie... although i'd like to blame that on the psychologist in me -- that's right, the little 2mm freud swimming through my subconscious)

ANYWAY. so if you've tuned into this season at all, you've probably noticed that cbs has managed to assemble what is likely the shittiest and least interesting cast to ever grace a reality series (and that's saying a lot...have you seen the last couple seasons of survivor???). to the total lack of relateable humans (save for dick), add allegations of rigged eviction ceremonies, and you've got a trainwreck season.

but i digress... temporarily.

the only remotely relateable person in this cast is dick, an no-nonsence 50-year-old-21-year-old who is painfully unaware of how out of touch he is (see below). the thing i like about him is that dick tells it like it is. he's not a pussy who spouts b/s re: "strategy" and all the other words that get thrown around in a reality show. (strategy = win, simple enough?). rather, when dick has a problem with you, he'll say it to your face... he'll make a scene, sure, but it's for no other reason than to get everything out into the open.


who's dumb enough to provoke a ticking timebomb??
A. this douchebag:


complete with a guest appearance by the resident junkie who knows best:


let's not even get started on the fight, but some people are just crazy... completely and utterly crazy. TO CLARIFY: jameka and amber appear to be under the impression that the Bible is a book of answers, and that because they have read it and have memorized passages they can ignore the rest of what the book teaches. it's amazing the pick-n-choose method most christians use when defining their religion. amazing. but i won't get into that.

if you need a simple example of how perfectly deluded these two pinheads are, look no further than this conversation which took place today, circa 1:56pm BBT (big brother time):

jameka: i've never met anyone like you. i told you from day one... your soul is intriguing to me. it's awesome.
amber: i wish i hadn't told dustin i would take him to the final 2. i just know that when it gets to the final 3, i will win HoH (head of household), and i'll have to send dustin packing... but, it's okay, because God let dustin win all that stuff, so it would be okay.
jameka: i've never met anyone like you who can see the future. i know it's a sign.

um.... seriously?? seriously...... riiiiiight.

well, ladies and gents, you heard it hear first. besides being homophobic and anti-semetic, the schizophrenic ms. amber siyavus is also PSYCHIC. i mean really, who knew??

anyway, so my fav 3 started out as: dick, danielle, and dustin (i love me the gays). so i loved the 3 d's, til dustin became the 4th d: "douche". i've not seen such an arrogant, annoying little fuck since "johnny fairplay" on survivor. dustin is fucking bad news. i really hope they get him out of the house. fortunately for me, there's a good chance of this happening since [SPOILER:] america's vote has indicated that eric ("america's player") must try to get dustin nominated for eviction this week.
(scroll over above to see text)

i will consider it a lucky day when this douche bids farewell to the house:

as for danielle (dick's daughter), especially after having to wade through all the bullshit, she is very quickly becoming a clear favourite of mine. she's one of the smartest competitors in the game, and the fact that she can tame dick speaks volumes about her personality. i heart her. and jenn has grown on me (the unitard definately helped). hmm, maybe i just still have a weakness for the pretty ladies....



well i think that's about enough BB for one day, i bid y'all adieu.

[[for those truly INTO the whole big brother thing, i truly suggest you go here for some of the most comprehensive live-feed coverage i have ever seen. and if you're really just not into waiting, you can check out rough, up-to-the-minute details here]]

later all :P

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