and the last name peabody? i'll get over it.
...and now i pull out the evidence for my case:

2.) she looks hot no matter what she's doing... here, let me be specific:

3.) she's the perfect foil for alice. they make the most hilarious buddies (now roomies) EVER... and i'm still hoping they hook up :).

4.) AND! although i have to say i absolutely HATE the way helena kisses, she still looks fucking sexy doing it... and i'm sure i could help her fix that. even if it takes many, many looong hours of practice.. i'm just that generous.

side note: gotta say, to this point, i'm acutally kinda diggin season 4... reminds me of season 1 in some ways -- the campiness, the jokes (the important ways)... though i'd like some SEX please.
parting note: a cute promo pic of rachel and leisha :)
later all :P