Saturday, January 13, 2007

i think you may have a case of the "hip-hops".

oh my what a night.

so, clearly i did NOT get sloppy drunk, but nonetheless it was QUITE fun.
ie- watching amanda deal with her ex. wow.

well in any case. it was good times with good music.

AND me getting hit on (as usual) by people i have no interest in.

in any case, only reason i'm sharing/posting is to let you know the wonderful fantastic quotes of the night...

skullet (n.): a mullet equivalent; a shaven head with bangs and back-of-the-head hair; similar to the middle age bowl.

dance rape (v.): unwelcomed dancing; typically takes place from behind

the "hip-hops" (n.): a condition in which the sufferer has Justin Timberlake songs stuck within their head; commonly mistaken for the hiccups.

fav quote?
"steph, it seems as if you MAY have a case of the 'hip-hops'."

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