so... i have random dreams. i never remember them. for me to remember a dream there has to be something out of the ordinary or exceptionally significant.
(see: last night's dream.)
disclaimer: didn't listen to emily haines at ALL yesterday, and haven't watched SoN since the finale... so whoa. mind you the emily concert is on saturday, so maybe it's an omen.... mmm...
so we're at the concert, me and my friends. we're front row (of course) getting steamrolled into the gates. emily's on stage doing her thing (which seems, as always, to hypnotize EVERY girl in the building). and then it happens... eye contact. my eyes to hers, hers to mine. the set continues and of course i'm completely transfixed. she closes out with "doctor blind", then hands me a note before she exits.
what i remember (and possibly the dream itself) skips ahead here.
all of a sudden we're in a bar.. not just any bar, but a bar i actually went to with my cousin when i was in finland. random. anyway, emily buys 71 (yes, exactly 71) shots of something i've never heard of (i'm thinking my mind made it up), and we get drunk with her.
then for some reason gabby christian (a.k.a. spencer from SoN) is there, at the afterparty, and we seem to hit it off. (should mention right here that i think this is odd cuz i think i usually go after more of an ashley.) we're dancing and whatever...
i lose some time here too
and all i know is the fuzzy part before i wake up is me and gabby, her on my lap, and us kissin on the edge of a bed... not my bed, but it kinda looks like the bed in my friend's place. [end scene]
and this is where i woke up, full on like, "what the fuck was that?" don't get me wrong, it was good... just unexpected. and gabby christian? random. was it the wine? was it that i watched tipping the velvet last night? that could explain the whole performer making eye contact thing (although it lacked the rose). but gabrielle? oh well. she's a cutie so it's all good :)
and if i met gabby and emily on the same night i'd die... wow.
i hope this happens on saturday lol
parting note?
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